

I am setting my intention to be less self-critical & improve my photography. I will be posting one photo every day, as I have found myself in a creative rut recently and I need to pull myself out of it. Looking for something beautiful and worthy of photographing on a daily basis will be a positive step. Most photos are new, occasionally they are old ones, as long as I stick to posting one photo every day. I will be using my iPhone 5s/6s (mostly Hipstamatic) & Canon EOS 600D.

If you are a fan of the Hipstamatic app you will probably be aware that there is an insane amount of combinations available. 82,008 possible combinations at the time of writing this! If your feeling lazy I will be adding a download link so you can instantly add these setting to your Hipstamatic favourites if you like them (this will only work when using an iPhone).

I have been taking photos using Hipstamatic since 2012, and have been using a Canon EOS 600D since 2013. I initially bought a "decent camera" as I make and sell hula hoops and also face paint, and needed to take some better photos of my work to promote myself. I have had so much fun learning how to use my new camera, taking a really good photo (or a few) is something I am aiming towards. I'm still learning, but love sharing things as I discover them.

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